Help power the Movement!

We appreciate donations of any amount! Click the buttons to donate securely online using PayPal, CashApp or Venmo. Donations are tax-deductible, please print and retain your receipts. Or you can mail your Check or Money Order made payable to: Teens With a Purpose 700 E Olney Road, Norfolk, VA 23504
EIN is 33-120-7585

thank you supporters

It's our responsibility to HELP EMPOWER THEM Create a better tomorrow FOR ALL OF US." - Teens With A Purpose

Get involved
Creative Youth Development
At Teens With A Purpose, we are committed to creating a platform that empowers young people to use their voice, creativity, reflection, and action to affect personal growth, transform lives, and impact communities. Our programs include Homework Lab, Hear This Clubs & School Mentoring Clubs, Youth Poet Laureate Program, Yoga & more. With your support, we can continue to make a difference in the lives of teens.

TWP in the news

Del. Jackie Glass introduces Teens With a Purpose during the Jan. 11, 2024, session of the Virginia House of Delegates.

TWP featured on City of Norfolk's Inside Scoop program

TWP Founder, Mama D, honored as a Remarkable Women by WAVY-TV 10.

Here are some ways you can give

Over The Phone
To donate over the phone or for any questions, please call us at:
In Person
Visit us at:
700 E. Olney Rd
Norfolk, VA 23504